Sunday, July 22, 2007

Keep going and don't look back

Sometimes we have to make decisions. It will never be easy but one thing to be remembered is that once we made the decisions, stick with it and don't look back. It may not be an easy choice that we take, but there is no time to regret. So instead of regreting what we have made, why don't we keep going with our lives, and think about what we are going to do with the next decision we need to make. The world is not waiting for you to finish regreting what you have made. The world keeps going, so you should too.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jack of all trades, master of none

I was talking to my sisters yesterday about a lot of stuff. Then somehow she said about this sentence ' Jack of all trades master of none'. This actually reminds me to instropect myself and the results are that I know lately I have been acting like one. I mean I did a lot of stuff without actually mastering all of them rightly. This is actually a good reminder so that now I am thinking to stop and think first and decide what do I actually want. I don't want to be ' Jack of all trades master of none'. It is better to learn specific things but being good at them rather than being able to do a million things but only up to a basic level.
Once more time, don't be a 'Jack of all trades master of none'.